Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Today I am sitting at home because I finally managed to escape from my grandparents and go home to see my mom and see the little one. I am happy to be here and cant wait to spend time with my mom. we are going to go shopping and hang out but right now I'm just waiting on her. oh well. the little one is making a mess and I know I'm going to have to clean it up later. when we get home I'm planning on beating my mom at Splendor, Ticket to ride, or Citadels. or just playing Tera to get my character leaved up.

This is me. or my spirit animal. I shall now be known as the wolf. and right now the wolf is starting to hungry. "EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!"  well I hope you read some other posts from me. thank you!! : )

1 comment:

  1. Your picture aren't showing. Did you delete the pictures from your pictures in google, because if you do, then the photo won't show up
